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Born from inner truth and restoration of the soul, Moonlighting Farm is an aspiring and experimental no-till micro-farm located in Beverly, MA. Energized by a love for humanity, the earth, and a yearning desire to heal, we focus on organic regenerative farming practices, restoring life to our soil, and growing food as medicine for our nearby neighbors, family, and friends, making it accessible and affordable to all through a sliding-scale cost system.


Nurturing connected hearts and meaningful relationships, we sell our life-giving food directly to our cherished customers through a weekly CSA from June-October with two pick up locations in Lynn.

Our goals are simple, yet powerful:


  • To grow nutrient dense vegetables as medicine – in addition to flowers and culinary/medicinal herbs – for nearby friends, family, and neighbors
  • To help make real and healthy food accessible and affordable to all
  • To foster wellness of mind/body/spirit, for ourselves and others
  • To use simple organic growing methods that regenerate the life of our soil and protect the environment
  • To build and nurture direct relationships between farmer and consumer
  • To help folks reconnect with nature, the seasons, and the land on which their food is grown
  • To foster education, support, and excitement for the CSA model and all of its benefits
  • To foster awareness about the devastating realties of profit driven big agriculture to human health and the environment
  • To help keep dollars in the local community


Our 2021 CSA is already sold out. Much gratitude to our core members! We will be selling our flowers and herbs on a weekly basis at ​Uncommon Feasts​ in Lynn. Contact ​Soraya​ for each week’s flower and herb offerings.

it’s all here

we set the seeds, speak
to the sky
nurture the plants, drink
the rain, give back
to the soil, curse
the cold, dance
to the sun, sing
with the wind, weep
at the passing, dream
with the moon, we open
our hands and accept another
season of hope fulfilled
or not,
balancing burdens with blessings,
rocks and eagle feathers,
carrying the harvest home,
the birds are singing the earth
awake. the spiraling cosmos
is bursting open seeds climbing

to the light. there’s a crackle
of joy in our hearts, ignited
by the sun – a flower filled
with flame. listen. the plants will tell you
of sending roots deep to survive
the dry times.
the seasons will show you how nothing
is ever really done but keeps
turning out and over
again and again and again,
just as the ancestors
smile down from the clouds
onto the faces of children
yet unborn shining up
from rain spattered stones on the path
we walk.
it’s all here.


– Sherrie Mickel, 1995